Spark Studio started in Richmond in 2021 and since then we have grown to four locations all over Virginia. We're a small business of women working together to bring you an amazing experience.

I currently live in Midlothian's version of the Winchester House. I am usually reading at least two books at a time and I am a whiz at folding fitted sheets!
I live in Lorton with my family of five. You'll find us at either basketball tournaments or soccer games. It usually takes me months to finish a TV series with all the adventures we're on.

I live in a somewhat sleepy town where my dog, my boyfriend and I are renovating a house. I have two different colored eyes and sadly can't fold a fitted sheet, but I can make a mean cup of coffee!
Newport News
My daily mantra is live life to its fullest. I am always searching for my next adventure — like jumping from a plane!

LaLovely Photography